We don’t quite have a crystal ball, but after reviewing trends, research and speaking with our network of chefs, we’ve compiled the necessary information that will best help you navigate the year ahead.

Invest in Agility
If we’ve all learned anything in the past few years, the world can change on a dime. Being able to quickly and efficiently adapt to any change is a must. Things like offering virtual or video training when applicable, finding an app-based delivery/ordering system that works best for your operation or simply stocking high-quality, easy-to-make, frozen burger patties are ways your operation can adapt as demand fluctuates throughout the year.
Determine the “Why” of Consumer Spending
As food costs continue to rise, consumers are tightening their budgets. While this doesn’t mean they’re stopping dining out altogether, consumers are putting more thought into when, where and why they are dining or eating out1. A recent survey found taste/craveability, enjoyment and convenience are the top three reasons consumers enjoy eating at restaurants versus cooking at home1. This research shows that creating a well-rounded, enjoyable experience can help drive customers to your operation. So think beyond the basics to develop “gotta-have” LTOs in a fun atmosphere.

Walk the Craveable Line
Speaking of LTOs, consumers these days are looking for elevated versions of their favorite dishes, nothing with too much pizzazz. “The challenge is to walk that fine line between trendy and accessible,” explains Chef Janet, Strategic Accounts Chef. “I think chefs, who are by their nature very creative, can get a little too crazy with LTOs, and push the envelope too far.” Out-of-this-world colors, flavors and Instagrammable toppings can be exciting, but they might be a tad much for the budget-conscious consumer. Sticking to trending flavors that elevate your current menu items, like a pimento cheese topping or a burger version of the viral Caesar wrap, can help excite customers without exhausting their (or your) budgets.
“When you’re playing around with different sauces, carriers, and garnishes, you need at least one constant, and that’s a [quality] frozen patty.”
Chef Janet Bourbon, Strategic Accounts Chef
1 Simply Smarter Webinar: S5E1 – 2024 Foodservice Forcast