A little unsure as to the meaning of some of the terms thrown around in the beef world? Read on for some meaty definitions:
Terminology: Master the Beef Lingo

A little unsure as to the meaning of some of the terms thrown around in the beef world? Read on for some meaty definitions:
Q. Can I cook a burger to a customer’s desired doneness? A. For the safety of your operation and your patrons, Cargill follows the USDA recommendation to cook burger patties to an internal temperature of 160°F to kill most harmful bacteria. Use a calibrated meat thermometer to check the patty’s temperature in multiple locations to
Following proper meat handling and cooking protocols not only protects your patrons, but your reputation as well. Cross-contamination is the most common culprit for foodborne illness, and requiring your employees to follow these guidelines from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) will help ensure the food you serve is as safe as it is
Think fresh burgers are always preferred over frozen? Think again! In recent testing, Cargill frozen burgers delivered a sensory experience comparable to fresh, with results showing little difference in consumer acceptability. Frozen scores higher in flavor and texture Cargill Frozen Tenderform Patties outscored fresh alternatives on some of the critical attributes that matter most to
1schweldandsons.com/blog/lean-vs-fat-perfect-burger-ratio Now, some facts that may surprise you: Research consistently shows 4-6 ounces of beef in a balanced diet supports good health2 About half the fatty acids in beef are monounsaturated, the same heart-healthy fat as olive oil2 About 1/3 of beef’s saturated fat is stearic acid, a fat which doesn’t raise cholesterol2 2Do Beef